Additionally we are active in global trading of commodities, mining and property development.
In Europe we are industry leader for fast-moving industrial goods such as polyester fiber types for industries such as automotive, geotextile and others.
On the other hand well known furniture and garments brands are supplied over years with great success.
What we do has to be unique, trustful, should earn full-trust from the first minute we started to have conversation.
We take each and every step with extra care and we confirm even the smallest details to make sure all runs smooth as it needs to be.
We do know that your companies satisfaction is our success!
Wujiang Foreign Trade Corp.
(Group) Dongyuan I/E CO., LTD.
is a prominent multi-national & multi-task industrial group connected with 6 main companies.
Our core industries are;
- Polyester Staple Fiber
- Inflatable Products
- Garment
- Furniture
- Electrical Appliances
Additionally we are active and have investments in mining and commodities trade in Turkey, Europe, and Africa.
In Europe our most effective and fast-moving industrial product is Polyester Fiber and we have been serving EU industries such as automotive, geotextile and others since 2001.
On the other hand well known furniture and garments brands are supplied over years with great success.
What we do has to be unique, trustful, should earn full-trust from the first minute we started to have conversation.
We take each and every step with extra care and we confirm even the smallest details to make sure all runs smooth as it needs to be.
We do know that your companies satisfaction is our success!